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How To Subdivide Your Back Yard and Cash In!

Just wanted to share a proud moment of mine with you all, Peter Baumann, one of my Mentoring Program Students, was featured on Channel 7 last week .  For his first deal (house on big lot) he shared with me he wanted to do 2 things: 1.  Cut the block in half by putting...

Why are Apartments Slamming the Brakes?

It’s been on the tips of the tongues of many active developers & investors, including my many clients , mentors and friends. THE (OVERSUPPLY OF) APARTMENTS ARE COMING… and soon will be…THE APARTMENTS ARE HERE!!! With the market bubbling along and...

Why Clive Palmer Gives Rich People A Bad Name

All this news about Clive Palmer and the collapsed nickel refinery is just embarrassing. Toting his riches, driving around in Bentleys, 7-series BMW’s and buying helicopters, yet leaving 237 employees in the lurch with unpaid entitlements in the millions…...

Why did MASTERS fail so Quickly?

You may have seen on the news that Woolworths, the owners of Masters, is now closing down the Hardware chain since it’s lost over $700m (yes SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION) since starting it’s takeover of the world (!) 2011. I don’t know about you, but...

A New Year, A New Start in 2016

Wow did you have a great break? or did you work all the way up to Xmas and are enjoying the quiet times now? by the beach with a glass of wine??   Well after 3 weeks off ( I actually had allowed for 4 weeks but couldn’t sit around anymore!) I am easing back...