It’s definitely interesting times out there, with market fluctuations abounding. Earlier this week Harry Triguboff’s, one of Australia’s biggest developers and most wealthy, announced he was dropping his property prices by 5%!!! Read more...
Just thought I’d drop a line and share some piccies from our recent family Holiday from Fraser Island. It was actually Tin Can Bay and daily I would commute 30 mins (by boat hahahah) to fish in the Channel there between Inskip point and Fraser Island . We...
You may have heard about Former Ipswich mayor Paul Pisale being arrested for Extortion recently…oh how dodgy is that!! Check out the articles here: Brisbane Times Link >> Click Here To Read ABC News Link >>Click Here To Read Doesn’t he remind...
Did you see my Mentoring Student Kate Cleary on AUSSIE PROPERTY FLIPPERS recently? Yes, on Channel 7, she’s been on twice now, Episode 4 (Click Here To Watch), Plus Episode 7 (Click Here To Watch). “I think I bought a dog box” is a great quote from...
I’m so proud to be letting you all know that tonight, on AUSSIE PROPERTY FLIPPERS, Channel 7 – my Mentoring Student Kate C is going to showcase one of her amazing deals. If you knew her back then when I first met her, she was gung ho, but without all the...
With all the Budget Talk it’s looking likely the banks will pass on the levy to customers…ie you and I! They’re not just going to give away Billions because “they got told to”, that’s just ridiculous!! They have the Billions in the...