Hi there, If you’ve been asking yourself where the property market is headed, and how to prepare yourself for what’s ahead… good news! I’ve just recorded a ‘short & sweet’ interview for Matt Jones’s blog (the Property...
“I’ve never pitched a deal before. I’m afraid I’ll look like a fool, and the people I’m pitching will know I’m not a pro. Is there some template I can follow?” This is the #1 question I get on the subject of money partners. And my answer is YES! In fact,...
Despite what most investors think – finding money partners is EASY. You just need to know where to look! And this video will give you the three places I go to when I have a deal that needs funding. I always find money partners who are ready to go in these...
Can’t find the cracker deals? Here’s the solution. This video shows you the four best places to go if you want to land some smokin’ hot, cracker deals at a discount! As you will see in the video, there’s only one “problem” with...
If you missed out on my recent video on my 30 Day Challenge, here it is again: The Parameters once again: “Make over $50,000 Clear Profit (after expenses, pre-tax), in a Property Deal, in 30 Days” Conditions: 1. 30 Days are counted actually from Purchase...